Onion The Wonder Ingredient


         Onion The Wonder Ingredient

Scientific name: - Allium cepa

Sanskrit name: - Phalandu, ‘Yavanesta’ (the one which has come from west), Durgandha, (It has offensive odor) , Mukha Dooshaka (which Causes bad breath)

You must be thinking why I use “Wonder Ingredient” word for “Onion”?

At the end of this article you also will be agree with me.

Without onion it is quite difficult to enhance the flavor of food. Even onion got some medicinal characteristics.

Onion can be used in many forms; spring onion (tender leaves of onion), onion seeds (also known as Kalonji in India), fresh onion bulb, onion powder (for marination in many cuisine).

Nutritional Value: - Onion contains 89% water, 9% carbohydrates (including 4% sugar and 2% dietary fibre), 1% protein, and negligible fat (table). Onions contain an energy value of 166 kJ (40 Calories) in a 100 g (3.5 oz) amount.

Freshly cut onions often cause a stinging sensation & irritation in the eyes, and often uncontrollable tears. Chopping or cutting an onion causes damage to cells which releases enzymes called alliinases, which stimulates nerves in the eye. It act as defense machine for the onion.  

Medicinal uses: - The medicinal uses of onions extend to almost every part of the body; yes we can say onion is a shield for our body to protect from various illnesses.

Onions are plentiful with minerals and vitamins (such as Vitamin A, B complex and C, sulphur, calcium and iron). 

Below are the medicinal uses of onion: -

·         Onion recovers cognizance

·         Onion for joint pain treatment

·         Onion as disinfectant

·         Onion cures migraine

·         Onion for cataract

·         Onion as a appetizer

·         Onion for ear infection

·         Onion for stomach torment

·         Onion calms amoebic diarrhea


Even related to food onion is as important ingredient in savoury dishes & in desserts as well.

For example: - onion/anokhi kheer (for the recipe click on link below)



Yes, as of the details I came across about Onion its an “Wonder Ingredient”.


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