Balance Food - Healthy Lifestyle

The Basic Diet Habits To Plan your Lifestyle

Who do not want healthy lifestyle?

The thing we should understand is to consume moderate amount of food with Balance meal. For healthy lifestyle is not important what quantity did you consume, its important to consume as per our work style & body requirement.

For example, the calories burnt by the athlete & calories burnt by banker.

Few main rules we should govern are,

  • What to eat
  • Food should nourish our body
  • Food should safeguard our health (capable to fight with disease)
  •  & of course, taste & look.

The one more thing we need to remember is “there is no Bad or Good food” it “bad or good dietary habit”. For example, we eaten fruits & salad for whole day will not be able to fulfill our nutritional requirement.

Nutritional needs vary individually, depending on various factors: “age, sex, level of activity, metabolic rate & state of health.”  Still the average calorie consumption considered is in between 1500 calories to 3000 calories per day from variety of food.

Our diet must be balanced with basic three contains fibers, carbohydrates & proteins which are most required for our body.

Following are the rules to achieve healthy lifestyle,

·         Eat regularly while enjoying meal.

·         Eat enough moderate quantity food to maintain moderate weight.

·         Eat variety of food to fulfill various nutritional requirement.

·         Major amount of carbohydrates & fibers containing food.

·         Less amount of fat.

·         Less frequency of consuming sugary food (Its always healthier to switch to jaggery or natural sweetener).

·         Using moderate amount of salt (Its always advisable to use Sea salt or Kosher Salt). (To know further about Koshar salt you can visit wikipedia -- )

·         Our food must contain plenty of vitamins & minerals.

·         Drink moderate amount of fluids frequently (though you do not feel thirsty men – 3.7 lit & women – 2.7 lit) (click on link to get best & easy detox water recipe -- )

·         If you drink alcohol, it must be in sensible limits.

·         Its advisable to Use pyramid of meal (i.e. starting with heavy breakfast).


Yes, it is not that challenging to achieve healthy lifestyle. There are few things that we need to keep in mind.



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  1. Food blogs are having a variety of topics and some of them are quite interesting too. This looks in that category.

    A good post


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