The Egg

The Egg

Hello friends,

 It is very important to know some basic the food that we consume every day. & the egg is one of the most consumed food ingredient that we eat in every meal. This blog is regarding to share some knowledge about the Eggs, that will be exiting as well as helpful.

 Eggs laid by many different species, including birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. Popular choices for egg consumption by mankind are chicken, duck, roe, and caviar, still most often humanly consumed is the chicken egg (typically unfertilized).

 As per Kashrut (i.e. Jewish dietary laws) eggs are considered pareve (neither meat nor dairy). 

# Proportion of egg white VS egg yolk -> Approximately 60% VS 40%.

# Shape -> The first thing we observes is oval shape, with one end rounded and the other more pointed.

Structural Description

1.       Cuticula -> The cuticle is a very thin and invisible layer that is deposited on the outside of the egg.

2.       Eggshell -> The shell is made up of Calcium & itself is slightly porous & allows air to pass through the interior.

3.       Air Cell -> Under the rounded end the air sack that forms (as the egg cool after laying). It keeps on increasing day by day as egg becomes older.

4.       Chalaza -> It’s a spring type tissue structure to hold the yolk in central position which is build up from the membrane that surrounds the yolk to the top & bottom of the second membrane.

5.       Egg White -> Egg white contains ‘albumen’. It is an excellent source of riboflavin and protein & this is the reason, egg white is consumed as a healthy option in breakfast compared to a whole egg.

a)       Thin Albumen -> It is nearest to the shell. As the egg gets older thin albumin tends to increase in quantity.

b)      Thick Albumen -> It stands high in quantity & spreads less than the thin white in a fresh egg.

6.       Vitelline Membrane -> It is a clear seal that holds the egg yolk & egg white separate.

7.       Germinal Disc -> The germinal disc is a small, circular, white spot on the surface of the yellow yolk of a bird 's egg. It refers to a round single-cell layer of cells which the embryo is going to form.

8.       Yolk -> This is the yellow portion of an egg. Color of yolk varies with the feed of the bird; but does not indicate the nutritional content. Yolk contains ‘lecithin’. Yolk contains fatty compounds (Cholesterol).


Thank you, readers. Hope this is going to be helpful to
you while using the eggs in daily routine.

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